CI PREP: No time like the present
MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala. -- "My attitude has always been... if it's worth playing, it's worth paying the price to win!"
- Paul "Bear" Bryant
Folks, we can't "opt out" of the Compliance Inspection (CI), Logistics Compliance Assessment Program (LCAP), or the Health Services Inspection (HSI). Inspections are mandated by law and governed by policy. It is incumbent on us to prepare and do whatever it takes to be ready as inspections come our way.
That being said, I've prepared an IG "Ten Commandments" listing to help us get ready:
1. Know thy AFI!
2. Thou must Search/Identify all applicable checklists in the Management
Internal Control Toolset (MICT)
3. Thou shalt Track checklists in MICT
4. Familiarize thyself with the MICT dashboard (Assessment/Self-Inspection)
5. Run thy checklists at least twice per year - January and August
6. Have thyself a continuity binder for back-up
7. Honor thy supervisor, leadership and contemporaries (speaks to unity!)
8. Ensure thy fitness and Air Force image is impeccable
9. Thou art to have a ready answer and reference for inspectors
10. Remember that thy attitude prevaileth in all aspects
MICT was developed to help us prepare for inspections. In fact, the Air Force Chief of Staff has adopted it for use Air Force-wide, and our active-duty counterparts will be using it very soon. Your Self-Inspection Monitors have been trained on how to use it, so if you have questions please visit with them.
If you haven't completed your checklist for this semi-annual cycle (or if you have an HSI checklist that was just published), be sure to run it as soon as possible. Be honest!
Inspectors have an uncanny way of finding out whether what you're saying is truthful or not. If you have a "no" answer, then you must complete a deficiency in MICT. Be sure to prepare a corrective action plan as follows: Identify the discrepancy, describe how you're going to fix the discrepancy, detail how you're going to follow-up to ensure the discrepancy gets taken care of and provide an appropriate "get-well date."
Per the TIG brief, you should consider the following items in a continuity binder: Table of Contents; Job Description - synopsis of the program and program manager responsibilities; Appointment letter - memorandum assigning individual as a program manager; Regulatory Guidance - list of AFIs, operating instructions, checklists, policy letters, etc.; Common Tasks - step-by-step instructions how to accomplish frequent tasks for a program; Points of Contact - roster of the organization's phone numbers and e-mail addresses associated with a particular program; and Program Oversight - list of official inspections, self-inspections, schedules, meetings, etc.
Be a team player! If you are non-current in fitness testing, make every effort to get in shape and get tested prior to the CI. We know this is going to be a "hot" item for the inspection, so help your unit and wing by doing your part. Also, do your individual part to be ready for the inspection, whether that means running a checklist, making a continuity binder, or cleaning out a tool shed - do what it takes to help the team succeed!
Finally, make sure you and your organization has that "spit and polish" necessary to display the proud image of the 908th. Ensure that your attitude is positive, motivational and uplifting to those around you. When the IG team comes we want to show them just how good we are - the best C-130 wing in the Air Force!