Tips for successful orders processing Published Dec. 18, 2015 By Marie L. Shepherd 908th Airlift Wing MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, ALA. -- There are two forms used for orders, AF Form 938 and DD Form 1610. This article will cover some of the items on the AF Form 938. When cutting orders, it's essential to be accurate. Because mistakes happen from time to time, here are some tips on things to look out for. If you're creating an order for more than 15 days or a Military Personnel Appropriation (MPA) order, you must complete a Man-Day Authorization Request. This completed form should be e-mailed to Debbie Smith, Angie Rankins-West or Marie Shepherd prior to sending the order for processing in AROWS-R, as we need this form to approve orders. If your order type is MPA, you will also need to send the M4S prior to submitting the order for processing. Pay close attention to Blocks 15 and 16 of AF Form 938. To determine if either of these blocks should be checked, use the member's Home of Record (Blocks 4-6) and the location in Block 12. If either of these blocks is checked, the member should not receive any travel or per diem (Blocks 23-26). Be sure to use the correct Duty Status/PERSTEMPO Codes. These are determined by using the distance from your Home of Record to the duty location (Block 12), and the order type (Block 11). Some of the most common types of orders are: Annual Tour, Active Duty for Training, School, MPA, and Active Duty Operational Support. A Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA) statement is required on orders cut during a time period when the government budget is under a CRA. Currently, this statement is required. The CRA statement is: "USE OF FUNDCITE AND THE DAYS ASSOCIATED WITH IT IS CONTINGENT UPON THE SIGNING OF THE FY 16 APPROPRIATION BILL OR CONTINUING RESOLUTION AUTHORITY (CRA)." There are many details to creating orders. These are just a few key items to keep in mind as you prepare them for submission to FM. Remember to contact the FM office if you have questions; we are always happy to help!