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  • I am The 908th: Tech. Sgt. Asia Douglas

    Tech. Sgt. Asia Douglas, 908th Flying Training Wing Noncommissioned Officer of the Quarter for the second quarter of 2024, loves a good challenge, and has a seemingly limitless supply of energy and intelligence.The 27-year-old 908th Operations Support Squadron aviation resource manager holds a

  • I am The 908th: Senior Airman Semaj Cowan

    Senior Airman Semaj Cowan, 908th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron health services manager, could arguably be the epitome of what every Airman should aspire to: intelligent, diligent, proficient, highly-motivated and always optimistic.These are just a sampling of the reasons she was named the 908th

  • I am The 908th: Senior Airman Tynthia Bedgood

    Ever since the eighth grade when she watched her older sister graduate from Air Force basic military training, Senior Airman Tynthia Bedgood, 908th Aeromedical Staging Squadron administration specialist, knew she would join the military.

  • I am The 908th: Master Sgt. Tiffany Brown

    Master Sgt. Tiffany Brown, 908th Force Support Squadron career development noncommissioned officer in charge grew up in what she calls a “Marine Corps family.” But, despite the heavy influence, she was bound and determined not to follow in the family business.

  • I am The 908th: Staff Sgt. Leonardo Mullin

    Growing up, Staff Sgt. Leonardo Mullin, 908th Civil Engineer Squadron firefighter crew chief, had three ambitions: to become a police officer, to become a firefighter or to serve in the military.Currently, at the 908th Flying Training Wing, he is a military firefighter.

  • I am The 908th: Master Sgt. Adrian Hunter

    Master Sgt. Adrian Hunter, 908th Logistics Readiness Squadron vehicle maintenance technician, who has stepped up to help the wing's financial management section with vouchers and other items, showing what it means to put service before self.

  • I am The 908th: Master Sgt. Victor Senegar Jr.

    Master Sgt. Victor Senegar Jr., 908th Maintenance Squadron interim mechanical flight chief, was named the 908th Flying Training Wing Senior Noncommissioned Officer of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2024.

  • I am The 908th: Tech. Sgt. Michael Coleman

    Tech. Sgt. Michael Coleman, 908th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron avionics technician was named the 908th’s Noncommissioned Officer of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2024.

  • I am The 908th: Mrs. Katrina Lee

    908th Airlift Wing Manpower Analyst and 2023 Civilian Category III of the Year winner, Mrs. Katrina Lee, manages the authorizations for positions in the various groups and squadrons in the wing, which means she ensures that units are authorized to have the number of positions they require, at the

  • I am The 908th: Senior Airman Desiree Pope

    Senior Airman Desiree Pope is an outstanding Airmen with a bright future ahead of her no matter what path she decides to follow, which is why 908th AW leadership named her Airman of the Quarter for the fourth quarter of 2023.