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  • New Travel Offices Submission Process

    As of Oct. 15, 2018, submissions to the Reserve Pay Office (RPO) and Individual Reservist (IR) Travel office will no longer be accepted from email, AMRDEC, or fax.  All requests for action must be routed through MyPers at the following link: the Pay or Travel

  • GTCC use now mandatory for all travelers

    The use of a Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) is now mandatory for all Air Force personnel when conducting official travel, per a SAF/FM memo dated Nov. 8, 2017.Centrally Billed Accounts may no longer be used to make travel arrangements.

  • Individual Reservists must complete annual AFPAAS update

    All Airmen are required to update or verify their contact information in the Air Force Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (AFPAAS) annually. Visit to complete your update/verification. Once logged in, select the "My Info" tab and then “Contact Information.” Review